Sunday, August 8, 2010

Phuket Island

Phuket IslandPhuket is Thailand's largest island and nestles against the Indian Ocean Coast some 870 kilometers south of Bangkok. Phuket derives its wealth from tin and rubber, is blessed with teeming marine life, and has enjoyed a rich and colorful history.

Phuket is also one of the major Asian gateways for ocean cruises. Recently a new concept has emerged: Spa Cruises. Combining Thai traditional ways of relaxing the body and mind with all amenities of an up-market cruise

Phuket is blessed with magnificent coves and bays, powdery, palm- fringed white beaches, sparkling island-dotted seas, sincerely hospitable people, comfortable accommodation, superb seafood, lushly forested mountains, lovely waterfalls and parks, and delightful turn-of -the-century Indo / Portuguese and Chinese-influenced architecture which create an enchanting ambiance perfectly suited to total relaxation.

Indeed, Phuket is a major resort of international stature, possessing everything necessary for a truly memorable holiday. First-class hotels located within town offer complimentary transport to their own beach clubs. Economy-class hotels are also available within town. First-class resort hotels with spectacular views offer air-conditioned accommodation, as do many cabin and bungalow complexes on Phuket's most popular beaches. Yet other 'native-style' complexes, built of bamboo, rattan and Nipa palm thatch, Phuket's coastal hills and beaches to offer comfortable and relatively inexpensive accommodation.

Phuket's glory is its magnificent coastline. Beaches range from gentle crescents of white sand with calm waters to rocky headlands pounded by raging surf. Secluded coves lie hidden among densely forested headlands tumbling around white beaches. In several such places, visitors can feel years away from civilization. Phuket's Indian Ocean coastline boasts the finest beaches while the eastern coastline overlooks some 30 lesser islands occupying largely tranquil seas. Islands vary greatly size, some are large enough to sustain fishing communities, coconut plantations, deer and wild boar. Others are little larger than massive rocks. Others again resemble fortresses, are riddled with caves containing the birds' nests prized by gourmets.

Phuket's nightlife is sedate (compared with Hat Yai, Pattaya or Bangkok) and is concentrated largely in the town center and Patong Beach in restaurants, bars (many featuring video entertainment), massage parlors, nightclubs and discotheques.

Monday, January 18, 2010


好久没上来爬格子了 一直担心谷歌中国会突然间全部关掉所有可用的服务,然后这块自耕地也会被夷为平地,还好,今天听说好像恢复业务了,虚惊一场,娱乐了半天粉丝们啊。

“在发表声明之后,我们给公司职员放了一段长假,以便运行测试和扫描,保证网络的安全可靠” ,谷歌在回复法新社的询问中说,“谷歌中国的职员现在都已经回到工作岗位,一切业务正常运行。”

虽然如此, 我还是在当当上买了本 《世界因你不同——李开复自传》想看看李开复到底怎么会突然离开的,有没有点线索可寻。

除此之外,原来当当网也有在线读书的只是结局不完整 又到新浪上翻了翻满火的《裸婚》蛮有劲的 提前感受感受一下围城之内的气氛 这年头 连安吉丽娜和皮特都分了 还有什么好信仰的婚姻呢。

上周末考完最后一门数据库后,老师讲了讲论文的事情,怎么感觉迫在眉睫了 本来以为可以有个轻松的寒假,现在觉得心理压力大了,能按时毕业就是11年最大的计划了,今年10年还计划把雅思或者什么信息系统监理师(11月份考1年两次)考考玩玩,总归给自己一个任务,才能有动力去充实业务时间。