Enjoy Life

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Phuket Island

Phuket IslandPhuket is Thailand's largest island and nestles against the Indian Ocean Coast some 870 kilometers south of Bangkok. Phuket derives its wealth from tin and rubber, is blessed with teeming marine life, and has enjoyed a rich and colorful history.

Phuket is also one of the major Asian gateways for ocean cruises. Recently a new concept has emerged: Spa Cruises. Combining Thai traditional ways of relaxing the body and mind with all amenities of an up-market cruise

Phuket is blessed with magnificent coves and bays, powdery, palm- fringed white beaches, sparkling island-dotted seas, sincerely hospitable people, comfortable accommodation, superb seafood, lushly forested mountains, lovely waterfalls and parks, and delightful turn-of -the-century Indo / Portuguese and Chinese-influenced architecture which create an enchanting ambiance perfectly suited to total relaxation.

Indeed, Phuket is a major resort of international stature, possessing everything necessary for a truly memorable holiday. First-class hotels located within town offer complimentary transport to their own beach clubs. Economy-class hotels are also available within town. First-class resort hotels with spectacular views offer air-conditioned accommodation, as do many cabin and bungalow complexes on Phuket's most popular beaches. Yet other 'native-style' complexes, built of bamboo, rattan and Nipa palm thatch, Phuket's coastal hills and beaches to offer comfortable and relatively inexpensive accommodation.

Phuket's glory is its magnificent coastline. Beaches range from gentle crescents of white sand with calm waters to rocky headlands pounded by raging surf. Secluded coves lie hidden among densely forested headlands tumbling around white beaches. In several such places, visitors can feel years away from civilization. Phuket's Indian Ocean coastline boasts the finest beaches while the eastern coastline overlooks some 30 lesser islands occupying largely tranquil seas. Islands vary greatly size, some are large enough to sustain fishing communities, coconut plantations, deer and wild boar. Others are little larger than massive rocks. Others again resemble fortresses, are riddled with caves containing the birds' nests prized by gourmets.

Phuket's nightlife is sedate (compared with Hat Yai, Pattaya or Bangkok) and is concentrated largely in the town center and Patong Beach in restaurants, bars (many featuring video entertainment), massage parlors, nightclubs and discotheques.

Monday, January 18, 2010


好久没上来爬格子了 一直担心谷歌中国会突然间全部关掉所有可用的服务,然后这块自耕地也会被夷为平地,还好,今天听说好像恢复业务了,虚惊一场,娱乐了半天粉丝们啊。

“在发表声明之后,我们给公司职员放了一段长假,以便运行测试和扫描,保证网络的安全可靠” ,谷歌在回复法新社的询问中说,“谷歌中国的职员现在都已经回到工作岗位,一切业务正常运行。”

虽然如此, 我还是在当当上买了本 《世界因你不同——李开复自传》想看看李开复到底怎么会突然离开的,有没有点线索可寻。

除此之外,原来当当网也有在线读书的只是结局不完整 又到新浪上翻了翻满火的《裸婚》蛮有劲的 提前感受感受一下围城之内的气氛 这年头 连安吉丽娜和皮特都分了 还有什么好信仰的婚姻呢。

上周末考完最后一门数据库后,老师讲了讲论文的事情,怎么感觉迫在眉睫了 本来以为可以有个轻松的寒假,现在觉得心理压力大了,能按时毕业就是11年最大的计划了,今年10年还计划把雅思或者什么信息系统监理师(11月份考1年两次)考考玩玩,总归给自己一个任务,才能有动力去充实业务时间。

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009:A more steady year for me

The very late Dec.31, i reviewed friend's msn space, they all updated a lot, the conclusion of their colorful 2009, the kissbye to 2009, and moreover, their space is full of every footprint of each month of 2009, for me, I am not a good planner nor good at summary life, now I need to review a course named 《Cryptography》and made a KM note for a working SR, I feel so content and so proud of being a student/a learner and an employee who knows what to do additional at work.

The winter morning sunshine is so warm, though I have no a hot Starbucks on hands, I have the homemade soybean milk at our new lovely house, people all said its warm and fragrant, I am so happy to hear that, and hope it can reach a higher price for our dream of changing a bigger one, but we will feel sorry to sell it, maybe we need to work harder to save more money for a advance payment, fine, that's one of our 2010 plan. For next year, we will hold two wedding ceremonies, I am excited to enjoy it, and wish everything goes perfectly. For this year, actually, we get a lot, we moved to the new home, and we have a happy pre-wedding photo. Our work is getting more stable, and for me, I have made lots classmates friends and finished almost a year courses @SJTU, fortunately, I have only half year courses ahead, and leaving one year time to do a graduate thesis, its a ordinary but enrichment year. 2010 will be a busy, happy and productive year!

Sunday, December 20, 2009



虽然许久没有meet但是一直有在网上keep in touch,所以一见面就互相倾诉 她还是一如既往多少年的说着和她老公的点点滴滴, 我则是做个聆听着和到位的comments 毕竟我们幼儿园就认识了,小学 中学都是同一所,比亲戚姐妹都要熟的,记得我们初中的时候做同桌,有一起捉弄前面的男同学,还有每次考试,她总是理科很强 物理化学成绩特别好 脑子真好使,而高考她发挥的真棒 好高的分数但是没选择上海,不然现在肯定是定居又是和我一起城市了。之后我在上海念书的时候也来过好几次, 第一次在外面租房也有合住,更加让我们的姐妹情加深了,还有我们到大连一起旅游,一天一夜的火车,那时候真的蛮有劲的,宿在她的母校,到极地馆和海洋世界,到处拍照, 至今都很是怀念。我们俩的性格其实比较互补,我属于没脑子的,她属于理智的,呵呵。其实我还是个多愁善感的人,比较的soft 喜欢哭,至今都是,虽然外表看起来很豁达很开朗很爽气的感觉,其实从小自己很胆小害羞的,连课堂上站起来提问都会脸颊发红腿发抖,小时候如果到妹妹家过暑假,晚上都会想家想爸妈,第一次出来上大学也是会想念家里妈妈煮的粥都会掉泪。额..怎么一下子说了这么多,打住打住。

去年梅终于落户在无锡了,考过了司法考试,驱车拜访着当事人,实现了当初跟我画的梦想中的生活,关键是现在有个非常疼爱她的老公。在这个有山有水的城市过的不比在上海缺点什么,反而幸福指数是很多人梦寐以求的,这让我怀疑了在这个城市的意义,不过人人都有自己的生活方式,就像很多年前我自己傻傻的夹在日记本里的一句 过去只是人生的一种经历 而不是一种负担,现在更是体会到人生就是一种经历 而不要让无谓的欲望和社会的压力成为自己的负担,就像有次过来人的同事跟我说的一句 有时候‘现在’就是一种资本,想说什么 想做什么就应该放手,不要今后遗憾。可是现在我的目标是什么,我的长远目标还在那边招手等待着我吗?

Monday, December 14, 2009

“美剧”迷~~ BBC HBO FOX CWTV...

今天正好逛到一个同事的老婆的blog介绍了2部BBC的TV 写的真是太赞了 提醒了我有很多稀饭的而且统统看过的片子, 整理一下:
英剧《Hustle》,飞天大盗。很精彩 本人最喜欢投机取巧 特别是可以忽悠人的小把戏了~~忒过瘾了,以下是她的评价:
“推荐《IT Crowd》,挺无厘头的情景喜剧,还蛮好笑的。虽然里头一个帅哥都没有……但消磨时光的话相当不错。”
英剧除了BBC,HBO播的几部片子也很赞:比如-《Rome》豆瓣上有人评论三个词: 政治·暴力·情色, 从来不看史诗的我居然看完了Rome二季,看完终于帮我扫盲了那段凯撒和安东尼奥的历史,拍的服装和演员都很专业, 丝丝入扣。
--其实刚开始看美剧的第一阶段什么《24小时》《欲望城市》《老友记》都是买碟看的 看的昏天暗地的 就觉得原来可以有如此精彩的情节和美国人如此的open阿 开朗啊 之类的感觉。
--第二阶段开始有选择性的了 也满大陆的《CSI》《Grey's Anatomy》 《Lost》《越狱》都是追了一半的片子,那会刚毕业 都是听同事推荐, 每集每集的等 觉得每个week都过的特别的充实和充满期盼。
--《Heros》《丑女贝蒂》《神奇小子》《波士顿legal》《Gossip Girl》《Lie to Me》貌似这些片子类型都不同 俺的口味还真是混搭啊。 其实我更喜欢被砍掉的《女人帮》《口红森林》这类女性题材的片子,不觉得唧唧哇哇 反而觉得这类片子就是拍给OL们看的。可惜这不是女权主义社会,庆幸的是《绝望主妇》这么多年了一直都在,可能是因为每集都有心得和总结 而且结合了社会很多元素和现象。
--其他 《House》 《Bones》《Damages》 《邪恶力量》《吸血鬼日记》《调教富家女》《阿莫斯特丹》《傲骨贤妻》《The big bang theory》《Fringe》《列王记Kings》《 New Amsterdam》(永恒传说) etc....都是看完几集就忘记去追了的。